Monday, October 19, 2009

F.A.C.T.S. 2009

Last sunday (yesterday) we visited the F.A.C.T.S-convention again since we couldn't make it last year.
For those unfamiliar with it, it stands for Fantasy Anime Comics Toys Sciencefiction.

We love to go there because the atmosphere is much better than in the Netherlands where some conventions are plainly dull and don't have as much merchandise.
This year the convention was hosted in a new venue which was bigger and better reachable so that's a good plus. Also the food was excellent whereas previous installments had the good odour of sauerkraut and hotdogs that messed up your taste-buds.
Speaking of odours some fans/visitors still need to find the shower/bathroom in their apartment before going out (let alone know about the existence of deodorant).

Loads of visitors like to suit/dress up as their favorite character whether it's from a TV-show or Movie which makes for a good variety of eye-candy.
The Force was always strong but this year it was bananas!

Present are always actors and artists and this year saw the presence (amongst others) of Jimmy Jean-Louis aka The Haitian from Heroes and amongst the artists was Simon Bisley (Slaine, Judge Dredd & Body Count) and Joe Linsner ( Dawn).

But let's skip to the photos i shot :)

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